Thursday, August 13, 2009

Better Balance Promotes Consistency by Tracy Reed

Have you ever shot a great round one day and a horrible round the next day?

Although I don't give out "tips" in the classic sense, this one will make your rounds more consistent right away.

When you set up for your shot, place the club head behind the ball and allow your arms to hang straight down from your shoulders. Look at your target and keep looking at it while you make the next adjustment. Feel where the weight pressure is under the bottoms of your feet. It should be in the arches of your feet, evenly centered between your heels and toes.

Next move your feet in lots of tiny steps ......all the while still looking at your target.....until you feel the weight has settled in your arches and your leg muscles feel comfortable. Next, look down at the ball......BUT DO NOT readjust your position. Go ahead and swing from that setup. You may be amazed at how you hit the ball. Here's why it works.

To stay in balance during the swing, you must start in balance. If you are not in balance, your body will try to balance itself, throwing off your golf swing. This little balance secret gets you in balance every time because it uses your body's automatic balance mechanism to start you out in balance. The biggest mistake many amateurs make is to stare at the ball while they set up. That causes tension and an unbalanced setup....both are swing killers.

Watch the pros on TV when they set up. You'll see them look down range. They are checking their should you.

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